VIVIDHA in our mother tongue means “the one with a difference”.
Vividha is a women’s documentation and resource centre established in 1998. As the women’s movement in Rajasthan became more intense and broader-based in membership, the need for an information and resource centre became increasingly pressing. All good movements and campaigns need the support of a dynamic resource centre. With a constant flow of requests for data, references, literature, news clippings, updates on cases and case histories.
It is in this context some of the activists came together to initiate this resource centre. Vividha is a collective effort for critical and creative consultations on women’s and other contemporary relevant issues that affect women’s lives. It was formed of activists who had been assisting with investigations, legal aid, shelter and advocacy – its members are actively involved with other movements, campaigns of Rajasthan and they are actively writing and publishing to influence public opinion through the press and other media.
Vividha is a women's documentation and resource centre established in 1998. As the women's movement in Rajasthan became more intense and broader based in membership, the need for an information and resource centre became increasingly pressing.